Returning to the Moon...How?
Nasa just unveiled their plan to return mankind to the surface of the moon by 2018. However, this date will most likely be pushed back because of the federal government's pledge of aid to the Gulf Coast, the damage done to NASA installments in Louisiana and Mississippi totaling $1.1 billion, and the money pit that is the war in Iraq.
How is NASA going to do it?
Part of the plan is to completely finish the International Space Station, and in order to do that, the shuttle program has to be fixed.
With money, equipment, and logistical problems, the dream of another manned mission to the Moon seems bleak and unfruitful. Why put forward this grand plan now?
Can we say 'distraction', boys and girls?
(note: I would love nothing more than to see the space program flourish, but the way things are going......)